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AppMaker to App Engine Conversion
Move your AppMaker apps to Google AppEngine
Use App Engine to build and deploy apps on a fully managed platform. App Maker data is stored in Cloud SQL, allowing you to build an App Engine app on the existing Cloud SQL databases tied to your App Maker apps.
Reference ArchitectureCOVID-19 Tracking
Using current COVID-19 data to track future trends
Taking current and up-to-date COVID datasets from John's Hopkins, New York Times, and Google to analyze and use Machine Learning to determine potential hospital availability (rooms and beds) and predict where future hotspots/breakouts may occur.
Reference ArchitectureSocial Health Insights Platform (SHIP)
Making sense of social media data to better target consumer cohorts
Stream and collect data from any relevant sources which audiences interact with to build a centralized data warehouse for Exploratory Analysis, ML/AI Insights, and Visualization
Reference Architecture
This library is maintained by BlueVector AI and is intended to be an
industry specific version of the
Google Cloud Marketplace.